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Energy Performance Test

Add time:17th,Apr,2019

With the global energy crisis and environmental problems increasingly prominent, the formulation and implementation of energy laws and regulations in various countries have played a positive role in improving the efficiency of electricity products, reducing energy consumption and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. At the same time, energy efficiency labels and labels also provide users and consumers with the necessary information to guide and help them to choose energy-efficient products. These energy efficiency certification programs are both mandatory and voluntary. 

Mandatory controls include: 

  1. 1.Minimum energy efficiency requirements for the country;

  2. 2. Additional mandatory energy efficiency regulations enacted by local governments in the country;

  3. 3. Registration requirements;

  4. 4. Energy efficiency label requirements, etc.

  5. Energy efficiency requirements are as follows:

  6. Energy Star r US

  7. DLC Certification US

  8. DOE Certification US

  9. California CEC Certification

  10. US FTC Energy efficiency label

  11. European ErP Directive

  12. China Energy efficiency label

  13. Australia GEMS Certification

  14. Canada NRCan Certification

  15. Mexico NOM Certification

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